
Exquisite corpora like lyrics, proverbs, tongue twisters, not only contain a lot of authentic language expressions, but also include interesting contexts and catchy rhythms. Besides, these exquisite corpora are often interesting and closed to life, which can greatly arouse students’ enthusiasm in study, and ease their stress in studying grammar. In the potential sense, exquisite language materials are conducive to the cultivation of the aesthetic sense of language, as well as students’ intercultural communication ability and cultural accomplishment. This essay chooses Class 11, Senior 1, No. 1 Middle School of Zaoyang, Hubei Province as research object, through empirical research, so as to explore the effect which grammar teaching with exquisite corpus has brought on students’ grammar learning, grammar application ability, and their language competence. It is also expected that this teaching way could make a difference to students’ cultural awareness, artistic appreciation and the level of intercultural communication.

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