
This research is related to the exploration of the pedagogical impact of a playful-practical strategy on environmental awareness, and it is carried out with the objective of exploring the pedagogical impact of a playful-practical strategy on environmental awareness in the eighth grade C of the IETABA of the Predio el Verde-municipality of Barbacoas. To achieve such objective, an intervention program is carried out focused on playful-practical workshops on topics such as vermiculture to produce organic fertilizer, planting of ornamental plants with PEP bottle pots, formation of love bottles, and visit to the Indigenous reservation ɨnkal Awá la Nutria Piman. The study is carried out through the qualitative paradigm with non-experimental design. The techniques for data collection are the diagnostic evaluation of preliminary knowledge, strategy design and non-participant observation. The instruments chosen to evaluate the intervention are the survey, the pedagogical workshop and the field diary.

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