
A series of integral experiments were conducted at the fast critical assembly (FCA) of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, simulating light water reactor cores with a tight lattice cell of highly enriched mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel containing >15% fissile plutonium (Pu). The three experimental configurations of the FCA-XXII-1 assembly were constructed using foamed polystyrene with different void fractions (45%, 65%, and 95%) to clarify the prediction accuracy of neutronics calculation codes and nuclear data libraries among various neutron spectra. The hydrogen-to–nuclear fuel atomic ratio varied from 0.1 to 0.8. The nuclear characteristics measured in the experiments were criticality (keff), moderator void reactivity worths, and sample reactivity worths using boron carbide (20%, 60%, and 90% 10B enrichment) and Pu (92%, 81%, and 75% fissile Pu ratio). Preliminary analyses on experiments were conducted using a deterministic calculation code system conventionally used for fast reactors and the Japanese evaluated nuclear data library of JENDL-4.0. The calculated keff values overestimated the experiments beyond the experimental uncertainties. However, most reactivity worth calculations agreed well with the experimental values. Even beyond the experimental uncertainties, discrepancies between the calculation and the experiment were <13%. Specifically in the reactivity worth analyses of the softer neutron spectra configurations, the treatment of ultrafine energy groups obviously improved the prediction accuracy of the deterministic calculations. Furthermore, reference calculations for criticality and large reactivity worths were performed with the Monte Carlo calculation code MVP3 by modeling the experimental configurations in detail, confirming that the deterministic calculations closely agreed with the reference values.

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