
Within the eukaryotic cell, the actin cytoskeleton is a crucial structural framework that maintains cellular form, regulates cell movement and division, and facilitates the internal transportation of proteins and organelles. External cues induce alterations in the actin cytoskeleton primarily through the activation of Rho GTPases, which then bind to a diverse array of effector proteins to promote the local assembly or disassembly of actin. We have harnessed the extensively studied functions of RhoA in the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton to craft a practical series for Stage 2 Biology students. This series not only imparts essential tissue culture laboratory skills but also reinforces them through repetition. These activities are presented in a scenario designed for students to explore the function of a hypothetical RhoA family member. Students produce slides from transfected cells, undertake fluorescence microscopy, process the images using ImageJ, and compile their findings in a comprehensive scientific report. The composition of the report requires independent acquisition of new knowledge and synoptic learning. According to student feedback, this early experience greatly aids in solidifying and honing the skills required to report on more extensive and intricate research projects, such as capstone projects.

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