
BANTHINE® (β-diethylaminoethyl xanthene-9-carboxylate methobromide) has been used successfully in the treatment of peptic ulcer for at least two years. During this time, very few toxic symptoms have been reported. As fas as we have been able to determine, there has been no report of dermatitis due to the drug. 1 REPORT OF A CASE J. H., a 60-year-old white man, was admitted to the Seattle Marine Hospital on July 7, 1950. On admission, the patient presented the usual signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure. He complained of shortness of breath of two years' duration and dependent edema which had persisted for approximately one year prior to his present admission. The past history indicated that he had had the usual childhood illnesses. Adult illnesses consisted of cardiac decompensation and hypertensive vascular disease which had been treated by several physicians in the past. He gave no past history of

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