
Translation as a cognitive process has been a topic of inquiry for a couple of decades in Translation Studies. There has been a shift from an information processing model of human mind to a situated cognition approach in defining mental processing in Cognitive Science recently. In the information processing model, human mind is likened to a machine or computer working individually and accumulating knowledge and skills in a pre-definable and programmed manner. On the other hand, the situated cognition approach takes the role of dynamic factors including social, physical, and emotional ones, into consideration, in other words the ‘situationally embeddedness’ of the human mind (Kiraly, 2005; Risku, 2002). When learning is evaluated from the perspective of situated cognition, it can be inferred that learning is a situated and context-dependent process, which leads to the importance of integrating various professional, real-life situations into education (Kiraly 2005; González-Davies & Enríquez-Raído 2016; Risku, 2002). This study aims to present the implementation process of a situated learning translation project in the Translation and Interpreting Department at Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University and to contribute to the prevalence of situated learning tasks in translator education. The project has been conducted with 14 learners in two elective courses called ‘Special Topics in Translation III’ (5th semester course) and ‘Special Topics in Translation IV’ (6th semester course) in 2019-2020 Academic Year. The project included the task of translating scientific texts for a digital science blog. With this situated learning translation project, the learners had the opportunity to take part in a real-life translation task, which helped “to break the stranglehold of the ‘who’ll take the next sentence’ teaching technique in translator education” in Kiraly’s (2005) term.

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