
In this study, the implementation evaluation concept used is a concept derived from George C. Edwards' implementation model. While the concept of service used comes from Kotler. This research uses quantitative and exploratory research methods. The sample of this study amounted to 32 people based on the degree of error 5%. The test statistic used is the Kendal Tau correlation test, which is a non-parametric statistic used to obtain the strength of the relationship from the same population. The Variable Implementation of the Covid-19 Medical Rapid Handling and Public Health Policy was carried out well at the Bengkulu City Hospital. Cumulatively, the majority of respondents feel the results of relatively high satisfaction with public services in the health sector at the Bengkulu City Hospital, which means that the services provided at the Bengkulu City Hospital are of high value or satisfy the community. The implementation of the Covid-19 Rapid Medical and Public Health Handling Policy has an effect on public services at the Bengkulu City Hospital. This can be proven also by the tabulation calculation which states that the value of z count < z table with dk as much as 5%. That is 0.462 < 0.3264 which means that reject Ho and accept Ha. The implementation of the Covid-19 Rapid Medical and Public Health Handling Policy with Public Services at the Bengkulu City Hospital needs to be optimized again, by socializing this regulation and applying rewards and punishments to Bengkulu City RSHD officers who excel and who violate.

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