
Eutrophication of freshwater resources has been studied worldwide and its consequences are of concern especially in waters used for recreation or drinking. The occurrence of cyanobacteria blooms is nowadays much better documented and among the major impacts we may point out the decrease in water transparency and oxygen levels, the production of off-flavours and the production of toxins. Among the most common toxins, microcystins, anatoxin-a and saxitoxins are the most common in Portugal. A diversity of microcystins has been identified so far but microcystin-LR is the most common. Many aquatic organisms are capable to resist certain levels of cyanotoxins making them vectors for toxins. We analysed this possibility using a diversity of cyanotoxins and organisms and found that microcystins and bivalves seem to be the combination that maximizes toxin transfer. New challenges are presented today in this research area, by using new and more sensitive chemical, biochemical and molecular techniques. This allows us to better understand these organisms that can produce both potent toxins and innovative drugs.

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