
The article considers the scientific and organizational bases for the development and implementation of agro-ecological schemes, according to which payments are paid for achieving results in the field of conservation of biodiversity of protected areas. It is noted that in practice there exists a continuum of approaches to delivering biodiversity objectives on agricultural land within the boundaries of protected areas and areas with high natural value, ranging from the more conventional management-based approaches, to those approaches that reward only the results that are achieved, irrespective of the methods used. Results-based payments create a market for environmental services, including biodiversity. Production of these services needs to be incentivised on areas best placed to deliver on specific target. For biodiversity this includes Natura 2000 and land of similar character and high nature value farmland. Results-based payments relate to the achievement of a defined environmental result, and the farmer or land manager is allowed the flexibility to choose the most appropriate management to achieve that result (in contrast to management-based schemes where the farmer is contracted to undertake specific actions). With results-based payments there are typically varying levels of payment, where the level of payment reflects the quality of the biodiversity, or level of achievement of other environmental targets, assessed at field level. Also identified that for results-based schemes the calculation payment is based on the income foregone and additional costs incurred in implementing the typical farming practices required to achieve the result indicators and transaction costs. It is concluded that overwhelming benefits of the results-based payments approach are the associated tiered payments which are both financially efficient and incentivise higher quality results; the opportunity for farmers to use their management skills, professional judgment and farm knowledge. The main problem for the implementation of effective results-based schemes is the presence good data about the dynamic relationship between the target ecosystems and the economics and management choices of the farming systems that support them.

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