
This article provides an overview of EU policy in the field of cultural heritage protection with particular emphasis on post conflict countries. The analysis describes and evaluates the overall EU’s approach in all areas of EU engagement in this domain, towards the subject of effective mandate implementation of civilian CSDP Missions with the protection of cultural assets in their field of operation. The concluding remarks compare achievements and shortcomings of ongoing missions against their mandates and objectives, outlining some selected EU initiatives which aim at improving the EU’s performance and propose further steps in the protection of cultural heritage.The EU has contributed to reconstruction, restauration or revitalisation of cultural heritage affected by recent conflicts and crises in Libya, Iraq, Yemen, promoting at the same time social cohesion, new job creation and reconciliation. Part of recovery processes, the projects in Cameroon, Somalia, Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Kosovo, Republic of Moldova, etc. have contributed to improved inter-community trust through cultural heritage protection. Resent Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has caused thousands of deaths and major economic damages, brought destruction of civilian infrastructure and considerably affected cultural heritage. Monuments, museums, archaeological sides and archives, etc. were fully destroyed or brutally damaged. This triggered EUto recognise the importance of ensuring synergies and coordination between the EU and its Member States for maximization of the impact of our actions in support for cultural heritage in conflicts and crises, and in line with the EU Integrated Approach to External Conflicts and Crises.

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