
In Ukraine, the practice of providing psychological and coaching services in social networks has become widespread and these services occurred and continue to occur with violations of the rules of ethics of psychological counseling. In fact, in the current conditions when many different counseling services are available, the line between professional psychological help and “personal growth schools” is blurring. Those schools do not so much help as harm a person, without solving his/her problem at a deep level. Therefore, the goal of our research is to actualize the need to modernize the practice of applying ethical norms by Ukrainian psychologists and improve it by borrowing international experience from the world psychological community and comparing ethical approaches in Canada and Ukraine. The research presents the author’s practical experience of working with clients (taking into account all confidentiality rules). During the research, a mini-survey was conducted on social networks, which shows a certain trend that the ethical principles of psychologists’ work aren’t a high priority for their clients. It becomes obvious, that such low demand from society for ethical norms creates a corresponding supply of services that neglect generally accepted rules of professional activity. By analyzing some aspects of the Canadian and Ukrainian Ethical Codes, the author considers it necessary to draw attention to the need for quick and decisive actions to change the general paradigm in the services of Ukrainian psychologists with an emphasis on strengthening the ethical component and increasing the responsibility for violations of rules recognized by state institutions and public associations.

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