
Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching of indium zinc oxide (IZO) thin films masked with a photoresist was performed using a Cl 2/Ar gas. The etch rate of the IZO thin films increased as Cl 2 gas was added to Ar gas, reaching a maximum at 60% Cl 2 and decreasing thereafter. The degree of anisotropy in the etch profile improved with increasing coil rf power and dc-bias voltage. Changes in pressure had little effect on the etch profile. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed the formation of InCl 3 and ZnCl 2 on the etched surface. The surface morphology of the films etched at high Cl 2 concentrations was smoother than that of the films etched at low Cl 2 concentrations. These results suggest that the dry etching of IZO thin films in a Cl 2/Ar gas occurs according to a reactive ion etching mechanism involving ion sputtering and a surface reaction.

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