
Crustacean fisheries are gaining prominence globally amid a decline in finfish stocks. Some decapod crustacean species have experienced increased landings in response to shifting market demands and environmental dynamics. Notably, the caramote prawn (Penaeus kerathurus-Forskål, 1775) in the northern Adriatic Sea, Geographical Sub Area (GSA) 17, has risen in both landings and economic importance in recent years. However, despite its significance, comprehensive information on fishery-dependent data, age, and growth in this region remains lacking. To address this gap, this study employs modal progression analysis and the ELEFAN approach, utilizing the "TropFishR" R package and newly developed functions, including bootstrapping procedures. These advancements aim to overcome issues identified in previous versions and enhance the accuracy and reliability of age and growth estimations. The study leverages one year of monthly length-frequency distributions (LFDs) collected from commercial bottom trawls in the northern Adriatic Sea. The results of the analysis confirm the presence of sexual dimorphism in the caramote prawn species, with females exhibiting faster growth rates compared to males. Additionally, the growth performance index supports this observation, further underscoring the importance of accounting for sexual dimorphism in growth modeling and fisheries management strategies. By contributing to a growing body of knowledge on the growth dynamics of the caramote prawn, this study provides valuable insights for sustainable fisheries management in the northern Adriatic Sea. Understanding the age and growth patterns of key crustacean species is essential for developing effective conservation measures and ensuring the long-term health and productivity of marine ecosystems. The findings of this study serve as a foundation for informed decision-making and proactive management practices aimed at preserving the ecological integrity and economic viability of crustacean fisheries in the region.

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