
Urgency of the research. The need to improve the ter-minology of the recreation and tourism sector is due to the emergence of new forms of business organization and the emergence of innovative institutions that significantly affect the processes of socio-economic development. Target setting. There is a scientific problem with the disclosure of the content of innovation in tourism, the innova-tion policy in the recreation-tourism sector, the definition of the innovation policy components, the mechanisms for its formation and implementation. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The literature reflects the evolution of the concept of "innovation in tourism." There are typologies and examples of such innovations. The examples of application of the latest innova-tive technologies at the Ukrainian tourism market are ana-lyzed and presented. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The accumulated theoretical material requires the synthesis and development of methodological recommendations for the formation and implementation of innovation policy in the rec-reational and tourist sector of Ukraine. There is not a single standardized definition of innovation and innovation policy in tourism in the scientific community. The research objective. To reveal the meaning of the definitions: "Innovations in tourism", "Innovation policy in the recreation-tourism sphere". To generalize existing typologies of innovations in tourism. Identify the main factors hampering the implementation of information technology in the recrea-tion-tourism sector of Ukraine. To reveal the main directions of information support of the innovation policy realization process in the recreation-tourism sphere. The statement of basic materials. The article presents the existing definitions of the terms "innovation in tourism", "innovation policy in tourism". The author's interpretation of these terms is given. The existing classification of innova-tions in tourism is generalized. Examples of such innovations are given. The most common information technologies of-fered for use in tourism are presented. These factors re-strain the effective implementation of information technology in tourism. Conclusions. The effectiveness of state innovation poli-cy can be estimated by the impact on the pace of entrepre-neurship, the level of harmonization of innovation policy in society and stimulation of scientific development.

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