
Transitory (eruptive) cutaneous xanthomas are occasionally observed in almost all diseases characterized by chronic hyperlipemia. Such conditions include diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, biliary cirrhosis, Von Gierke's disease, idiopathic hyperlipemia, chronic pancreatitis, and the nephrotic syndrome. The term hyperlipemia refers to elevation of all serum lipid fractions as well as cholesterol. McCleary et al.1recently discussed the confusion regarding this term in the literature; to some hyperlipemia means elevation of only cholesterol, to others, elevation of phospholipids and triglycerides as well. In the nephrotic syndrome all serum lipid moieties are increased.2 Eruptive xanthomatosis associated with the nephrotic syndrome is rare despite periods of extreme hyperlipemia. To the best of our knowledge, only five case reports of eruptive xanthomas occurring as an evanescent phenomenon during the course of nephrosis have appeared in the literature.3-6It has been suggested that the transitory nature of the nephrotic hyperlipemia accounts for the infrequent

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