
Intensity discrete structured light illumination systems project a series of projection patterns for the estimation of the absolute fringe order using only the temporal grey-level sequence at each pixel. This work proposes the use of error-correcting codes for pixel-wise correction of measurement errors. The use of an error correcting code is advantageous in many ways: it allows reducing the effect of random intensity noise, it corrects outliners near the border of the fringe commonly present when using intensity discrete patterns, and it provides a robustness in case of severe measurement errors (even for burst errors where whole frames are lost). The latter aspect is particular interesting in environments with varying ambient light as well as in critical safety applications as e.g. monitoring of deformations of components in nuclear power plants, where a high reliability is ensured even in case of short measurement disruptions. A special form of burst errors is the so-called salt and pepper noise, which can largely be removed with error correcting codes using only the information of a given pixel. The performance of this technique is evaluated using both simulations and experiments.

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