
Soybean meal, soybean water unextractable solids (WUS) and extracts thereof, which contain particular cell wall polysaccharides, were incubated with a number of cell wall degrading enzymes. The intact cell wall polysaccharides in the meal and WUS were hardly degradable, while the extracts from WUS were well degraded. The arabinogalactan side chains in the pectin-rich ChSS fraction (Chelating agent Soluble Solids) could to a large extent be removed from the pectins by the combined action of endo-galactanase, exo-galactanase, endo-arabinanase and arabinofuranosidase B. The remaining polymer was isolated and represented 30% of the polysaccharides in the ChSS fraction. Determination of the sugar composition showed these polymers to be very highly substituted pectic structures. It still contained 5 mol% of arabinose and 12 mol% of galactose, representing 7% and 12%, respectively, of the arabinose and galactose present in the ChSS fraction before degradation. Further, the presence of uronic acid (50 mol%) and of xylose (18 mol%) indicated the presence of a xylogalacturonan.

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