
This literature review article is the result of an academic activity of the Master in Professional and Technological Education (PROFEPT) of the Instituto Federal do Piauí (IFPI) in progress. Contemporary foreign language teaching has been shown to be of great importance for the development of academic and professional training in a contemporary sociocultural dynamic. Thus, this article sought to discuss the following epistemological aspects, namely: professional education and environmental education: conceptions and interrelationships; applicability of the textbook as teaching material in English language teaching contextualized in English language classes in the High school Technical Course in Environment. This academic-scientific study in terms of objective is characterized as basic research with a qualitative approach and consists of a systematic literature review. From this scientific-research, the importance of the need to integrate content and didactic materials that articulate professional training and propaedeutic training was evidenced, and that enables the student to develop creative skills of reflection and perception to be incorporated in their citizenship training and socio-environmental responsibility. It was also observed the need to build a teaching practice that addresses the theme of the environment, considering the inseparability between education and social practice to face issues related to socio-environmental issues. The aim of this study is to awaken the critical view of the professors to teaching intertwined between the disciplines, propaedeutics, English and techniques of the Environmental Technical Course.


  • In view of these considerations, the objective of this research is to investigate how to approach, in a contextualized way, the contemporary theme of the environment in English Language classes in the High school Level Technical Course in Environment, articulated in an integrated manner. This academic-scientific study was carried out in the first half of 2021 and was characterized as a basic research with a qualitative approach about Professional and Technological Education, in addition to discussing the following epistemological aspects, namely: professional education and environmental education: conceptions and interrelationships; applicability of the textbook as teaching material in English language teaching contextualized in English language classes in the Medium Level Technical Course in Environment

  • To carry out the search, keywords were used with the terms "professional and technological education", "environmental education", "interdisciplinarity" and "textbook" as well as their respective variations in the Portuguese language "educação profissional e tecnológica”, "educação ambiental”, “interdisciplinalidade” and “livro didático”

  • 3.1 Professional education and environmental education: conceptions and interrelationships Contemporary society goes through several environmental problems, converging in an environmental crisis, which, in turn, portray the failure between economic, scientific and social relations, based on an industrial, predatory and anthropocentric practice (Rosa, Silva & Leite, 2009)

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[...] VIII - interdisciplinaridade assegurada no planejamento curricular e na prática pedagógica, visando à superação da fragmentação de conhecimentos e da segmentação e descontextualização curricular; IX - utilização de estratégias educacionais que permitam a contextualização, a flexibilização e a interdisciplinaridade, favoráveis à compreensão de significados, garantindo a indissociabilidade entre a teoria e a prática profissional em todo o processo de ensino e aprendizagem (Brasil, 2021, our emphasis) This academic-scientific study has as its problematic the contextualized approach of the contemporary theme of the environment in English language classes in the Medium Level Technical Course in Environment, articulated in the integrated form. Corroborating the aforementioned idea, the Federal Constitution expressly establishes in its article 225 that the State has a duty to promote environmental education as a way of acting with a view to environmental preservation: Art. 225 - Todos têm direito ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, bem de uso comum do povo e essencial à sadia qualidade de vida, impondo-se ao Poder Público e à coletividade o dever de defendê-lo e preservá-lo para as presentes e futuras gerações. § 1o - Para assegurar a efetividade desse direito, incumbe ao Poder Público: VI - Promover a educação ambiental em todos os níveis de ensino e a conscientização pública para a preservação do meio ambiente; (Brasil, 1988, our emphasis)

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