
Background. Economic security is not just a guarantee of effective and successful activity today and stable development of any enterprise in the future; it is a prerequisite for its existence. In the conditions of the armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, the Russian annexation of the Crimea, the global pandemic, the problem of maintenance of necessary and sufficient level of economic safety of the enterprises is actualized. The aim of the article is to characterize the essential features of economic security of the enterprise as a concept with further clarification on this basis of the content of the definition of "economic security of the enterprise". Materials and methods. The issues of theoretical substantiation of the object of re­search, consideration of the essence of "economic security of the enterprise" concept are based on such general and special methods of cognition as historical, abstract and logical and comparison. Methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, abstrac­tion, system approach are used as a concept to determine the essential features of economic security of the enterprise. The generalization method has been used to formulate conclusions. Results. The studies of terminological basis for determining economic security of the enterprise have established the presence of a large number of scientists’ opinions on the content of this concept in the absence of a single common definition. Given the fact that the essential features of any economic definition are most fully manifested through its pro­perties, the content of qualitative properties of economic security of the enterprise is stu­died and characterized, which is based on the study of one of the creators of modern theoretical sociology T. Parsons. Accordingly, the main qualitative properties of economic security of the enterprise have included the properties of adaptation, goal-oriented, integration and ability to maintain a latent pattern. Conclusion. The study allowed clarifying the definition of economic security of the enterprise. Thus, it is proposed to consider the studied concept as a state of security of the economic system and economic processes of the enterprise, which provides the optimal rela­tionship between their adaptability, goal-oriented, integration and ability to maintain a latent pattern, the ability to prevent, minimize and overcome internal and external threats, ability to realize priority economic interests effectively in the conditions of variability of external environment of managing, using available potential resource and reserves of stability and self-improvement. Keywords: economic security of the enterprise, economic system, economic inte­rest, adaptation, latent communication, integration.

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