
Introduction. The existence of a factor of uncertainty has predetermined interest for research which is connected with the economic security of the enterprise. In the last decades, various directions of economic security of the enterprise have been investigated. It concerns the intellectual security of the enterprise which is a completely new direction. However, there are still quite a few theoretical developments in this area, which determines the relevance of our work. Purpose. The article aims to carry out the empirical study of scientific views on the essence of intellectual security of the enterprise, the search for theoretical and methodological basis for building an author's definition of the economic concept. Method. Method of study of theoretical sources, method of analysis, method of generalization, morphological method, and method of semantic and content analysis have become the methodological basis of the research. Results. The article deals with scientific sources and analyses the definition of "intellectual security of the enterprise". The use of immanent and contextual approaches to the study of scientific sources has allowed determining its attributive nature, as well as its object and objectives. The attributes of intellectual security of the enterprise are as the following ones: a complex of measures; security state; stability state; preservation and development; effective personnel management; level of knowledge of modern knowledge; prevention of negative influences; confronting threats. Morphological and epistemological methods have been chosen for the analysis. They are combined for the complex analysis of author's definitions. The use of the method of definition through the generic concept has allowed determining the author’s own explanation of intellectual security of the enterprise. It should be defined as "the state of intellectual capital protection and intellectual potential of the enterprise, which ensures not only normal activity, but also the development of enterprise measures for the detection and neutralization of external and internal threats and for conditions of sufficient interest in management at all levels". The main theoretical significance of the obtained results is that the author has not only proposed the definition of an unexplored economic category, but also demonstrated the scientific methodology from various branches of science. It allows constructing subjective determinations and makes this process scientifically justified.

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