
Introduction. In the conceptual foun­dations of the theory of economic security of the enterprise, which determine the strategy, tactics and tools of its provision, one of the main places belongs to the economic interests of the enterprise. Problem. In the conditions of a full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federa­tion in Ukraine, maintaining the necessary and suf­ficient level of economic security is one of the main problems of any domestic enter­prise. The above mentioned determines the expediency of their in-depth study, in parti­cular by constructing modern classifica­tions of the economic interests of the enterprise. The aim of the article is to supplement the classification features of the economic interests of the enterprise in the theory of economic security. Methods. General scientific and special methods of cognition are used: abstract-logi­cal and comparative; analysis and synthesis, analogy and system approach; theoretical gene­ralization and formulation of conclusions. Results. The main classifications of the eco­nomic interests of the enterprise, presented in the scientific literature, were studied, and certain short­comings of the features of the clas­sification of ec­onomic interests proposed by the authors were revealed. The author’s classifica­tion of the economic inte­rests of the enterprise was proposed. Supple­menting the classification of economic interests of T.V. Sak with indica­tors according to the following characteristics: according to the national form of ownership of the capital of stakeholders, according to the level of social utility, according to the level of materiality of the influence on the economic pro­cesses and economic security of the enter­prise, according to the potential of achieve­ment, according to the level of need for imple­mentation, according to the dynamics of incre­asing relevance. Conclusions. The study made it possible to clarify and supplement the main charac­teristics of the classification of the economic interests of the enterprise. The use of the pro­posed signs will contribute to deepening the understanding of the economic interests of the enterprise in the modern concept of eco­nomic security.

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