
The problem of erosion processes constantly arises during the development of coastal territories. Previously considered uncomfortable territories are now subject to development. The investment attractiveness of such territories is very high, therefore, it is necessary to carry out engineering preparation measures, including to protect it from erosion processes. As studies show, the most environmentally friendly structures for the prevention of erosion processes are geocomposition systems based on anti-erosion geosynthetics. But before applying any measures to stabilize erosion processes, it is necessary to understand the process of interaction of applied methods with protected surfaces. The article considers the division of coastal slopes into three zones: not flooded, partially flooded and constantly flooded. Accordingly, this separation was carried out in order to determine the possible effects on the design of geocomposition systems. Each impact (hydraulic, snow, ice) is described using mathematical modeling, indicating methods for calculating the stability of the geocomposition system for the zones defined in the study. It is established that the strength of a geocomposite system also affects its stability, therefore, the concept of tensile strength is introduced into the formulas for determining the overall stability of a geocomposite system. The materials presented are important in practical application. This is due to a reduction in material and labor costs for the implementation of erosion protection measures when applying the results of this study. Further studies are aimed at optimizing the design of anti-erosion protection based on geocomposition systems in order to organize their in-line production and the creation of typical industrial designs.

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