
The urgency of the problem of the development of erosion processes is substantiated. Existing methods of engineering protection of territories from the development of erosion are considered. Indicated areas of the urban environment, most prone to the development of erosion processes. The practical significance of the research was determined. The mathematical model of the development of erosion processes on slopes is given, which makes it possible to carry out a preliminary assessment of the erosion resistance of soils and on the basis of this assessment determine the need for additional measures for their consolidation. Based on the mathematical model, the criteria for assessing the risk of erosion processes are defined. On the basis of the selected criteria, the main conditions that modern methods of protecting territories from erosion processes should meet. Innovative methods of protecting slopes from the development of erosion processes are presented. Systematization of existing and innovative methods of engineering protection of territories from erosion processes is carried out. Geosynthetic materials are considered that are an integral part of geocomposition systems, allowing to protect slopes from erosion processes. The main criteria to be met by geocomposition systems are determined. The practical application of geocomposition systems in various areas of construction is considered: civil, transport, hydraulic engineering, special. The directions of further research are determined. Conclusions are drawn on the results of practical application of geocomposition systems to protect slopes from erosion processes. The article contains mathematical model of the development of erosion processes on slopes of roads allowing a preliminary assessment of erosion control soil stability and on the basis of this assessment to determine the need for additional measures for their fastening.

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