
The online world offers a huge number of opportunities and variety of information sources, which differ significantly from each other. To high extent the online world is the place, where youth spend most of their time. In such situation the creative and critical thinking are essential to help youth integrate and develop their individuality in the digital world. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of digital art serves to develop creativity and critical thinking. In this way, they create new knowledge, which forms the necessary qualities for faster socialization in the virtual society. Thus, digital art merges with STEAM education, where science and art are integrated, namely Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. The purpose of the current study is to identify the possible impact of STEAM education on the formation of the creative and critical thinking among young people. The authors use various methods such as analysis of the content, historical and comparative approach. The results show that the digital art and STEAM education can give the youth knowledge about how the technology is created and then express themselves through the art, which leads us to the conclusion that the indeed can support the creative and critical thinking.

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