Energy consumption has become a bottleneck in modern integrated circuits (ICs) with a significant part of the energy spent on data communication. High-speed, serial interfaces are widely used, offering important advantages over parallel buses. The energy demand of source synchronous, serial buses can be effectively decreased by employing encoding techniques that reduce the bit transitions of the transmitted data stream. However, these techniques are not applicable for asynchronous interfaces, such as Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe), where frequent bit transitions are required to recover the clock at the receiver to maintain link integrity. Recognizing this fundamental trait, an encoding technique named serial tuned transition encoding (STTE) is proposed that regulates the number of transitions such that the clock can be reliably recovered, while the communication energy is lowered. The proposed scheme provides at least 25% decrease in energy for a short interposer-based interconnect compared to scrambling, which is typically used in serializer/deserializer (SerDes) devices. The link integrity is experimentally evaluated using both an electrical and an optical link that interconnect two field-programmable gate array (FPGA) devices. Results demonstrate that STTE successfully preserves link integrity as no errors are induced during transmission. In addition, STTE adjusts the number of transitions, thus allowing energy reduction and link integrity to be traded off.
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