Digital image is digital pictures on a two-dimensional plane which consists of pixels, where every pixels has Red, Green, Blue (RGB) with varying intensity depending on the image. In this thesis digital image is encrypted using hybrid algorithm Vigenere and RSA. Vigenere algorithm is a symmetric key algorithm which is a variety from Caesar algorithm where the similarity is in both of them are based on shifting the index of alphabet letters. RSA algorithm are based on the difficulty of factorizing large numbers that have 2 and only 2 factors (Prime numbers). The encryption process starts with getting the RGB intensity of each pixels from the image, then the RGB values are encrypted using Vigenere algorithm, after that RSA Algorithm encrypt those values, the values of RSA Algorithm encryption are limited so the value can be within the intervals of RGB values and the after limitation the values after being limited become the RGB values in the encrypted image. The decryption process is the inverse of encryption process, which enables the encrypted image to become the initial image before encryption. The program for encrypting and decrypting image are made using Java programming language with Netbeans IDE 8.2 software. The result of this implementation on image file donbass.jpg with the length of Vigenere key of 5 those are k1=144, k2=166 , k3=38 , k4=204 , k5=98, and RSA Algorithm keys are n=2201, e=1139, d=59, the results from the encrypted image is a visually very different image from the initial image. While in the decryption process, the encrypted image is able to be decrypted back to the initial image.
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