
A review of author's different approaches regarding the question of relationship between art and education is given in the article. Authors agree that in every child exists possibilities of experiencing, evaluating and artistic expressing, that children's art creation has its continuity and phases of development as well as that educational impacts have the role in its development. However, there are some unbalanced opinions regarding the question in what range the education affects the speed and level of artistic expression of preschool child and student. Starting from the premise that teaching and development are understood in the complexity of their interactive relationship, i.e. that teaching is understood as an encouragement for development, the paper points out that creativity in the field of arts can be developed through an appropriate organization, selection of content and methods or work. Artistic creative expression of children and students will come to light in those organised activities in which the accent is on production of large number of ideas, independent judgement, flexibility in thinking, open mindedness towards personal and others experiences and ideas, constant aspiration towards discovering new things, formulating problems and searching the ways to their solutions. In final conclusions the question of a needed teacher's competencies to stimulate artistic expression of a preschool child and student is opened. It is pointed out a need to establish cooperation between different participants of educational process, teachers of arts, primary school teachers, preschool teachers, experts in visual arts, as one of sources of achieving and redefining their existing competencies in this area.

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