
Engaged theology presupposes the embodiment of dogmatic and ethical principles with the tendency of peaceful coexistence in a pluralistic society. Tolerance is an extremely important phenomenon in the realization of the culture of otherness because it encourages real benevolence. It is important to know that tolerance is just the first step on the long road to perfecting real altruism. Because of this it is important and needed to constantly encourage giving oneself in communication with others and those different from us. It is necessary that each individual as a free and responsible person considers his/her readiness to be a creative participant in the life drama with others and those different from us. This does not mean unauthorized entrance into the life strategies of others but instead unconditional trust in the collocutor and real empathy and co-suffering where needed. All of this needs to be continually thought up in an atmosphere which is open to anthropology and joyful cosmism. An open and engaged theology should consider all of this responsibly while trying to encourage the culture of dialogue without superficiality and one-sidedness. The final goal is agreement in amicability and not one-mindedness in the dictatorship of immediate needs and prejudices. Of course, everything has its limits, which should not be understood as the end of all ends but as new possibilities. Therefore, tolerance should not be giving in by insertion of origin and belonging, it should be open creative production so that everything does not turns into pathology. Pondering about everyone and everything is an important entry which encourages the flow of tolerance on the right way to altruism.

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