
Energy management systems (EMSs) play a central role in improving the performance of microgrids by ensuring their efficient operation while minimizing operational costs and environmental impacts. This paper presents a comprehensive study of mixed integer linear programming (MILP) based EMSs developed and implemented in MATLAB 2021a using YALMIP software for the energy management of a new positive energy district in the city of Savona, Italy, as part of the Interreg Alpine Space Project ALPGRIDS. The main objective of this research is to optimize the functioning of the microgrid, focusing on cost efficiency and environmental sustainability. In pursuit of this objective, the EMS undergoes comprehensive testing and analysis, replicating actual conditions and addressing the diverse demands of end-users across typical days throughout the year, considering real electricity selling and purchase prices. The EMS also accounts for the reactive power capabilities of the various technologies integrated into the microgrid. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) serves as a metric for assessing curtailment costs, while penalties related to reactive power absorption from the distribution network are appraised in alignment with prevailing regulatory guidelines. The case study provides valuable insights into the practical implementation of EMS technology in microgrids and demonstrates its potential for sustainable energy management in complex urban energy districts. In all scenarios, the battery energy storage system (BESS) and combined heat and power (CHP) are pivotal for load satisfaction and microgrid resilience. BESSs balance supply and demand, which are crucial in periods of low renewable energy availability, while the versatile CHP efficiently addresses energy demands, contributing significantly to overall microgrid effectiveness. Their synergy ensures reliable load satisfaction, showcasing the dynamic and adaptive nature of microgrid energy management across diverse scenarios.

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