
The aim of this article is to present changes in the employment policy in Poland after the Second World War(in a synthetic manner), with particular emphasis on employment agency and vocational counseling provided by employment offices. Due to the wide range of research issues, the considerations focus on legal and organizational issues as well as the objectives and development directions of employment services.The article uses two historical methods of research: philosophical and statistical. What is more, following source texts were analyzed: legal acts, printed sources, archival sources.After World War II, public employment services evolved compared to the period of the Second Polish Republic. Their main goal was no longer to mitigate the effects of unemployment, but to eliminate it and achieve full employment for the needs of the expanding economic compound. In addition to traditional job placement, a number of instruments for recruiting and activating the workforce has been introduced, including vocational guidance. Poland's entering the path of socialist industrialization led to a further transformation of the activities of employment offices as well asto the elimination of vocational guidance.

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