
"Your body has a mind of its own of which your mind has no knowledge" John H. Pflaum, Delightism, 1972 (Prentice Hall) The term emotional intelligence was first used in 1985 by Wayne Payne. In 1930 the psychologist Edward Thorndike used the concept of social intelligence, that means the ability of individuals to get familiar with society. Emotional Intelligence also known as EI, is the state of being able to recognize and act upon behavioral traits of oneself as well as others. The first purpose is to recognize, understand and manage ones own emotions. The second purpose is to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. Artificial Intelligence is the process of exhibiting human-like roles into machines or computers. In other words, the science and engineering of creating machines which portrays the basic fundamentals of human beings is called Artificial Intelligence. Both emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence have been popular over last two decades. In this paper we will be talking about comparison between both emotional and artificial intelligence.

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