
In recent years, positive psychology approach, according to the talents and capabilities of people with the slogan of interest is psychology. The turn away, your ultimate goal is to identify structures and practices knows that well and provides human happiness. So the more human factors that match the needs and threat to life and cause, the most fundamental structures of this approach are studied. In the meantime, resiliency special place, especially in the fields of developmental psychology, family psychology and mental health, to be allocated (Campbell- Sills, Cohan, & Stein, 2006). Among the factors that affect resilience can be high esteem, positive problem-solving skills, strong links with the school, the peer group devoid of substance, higher intelligence, an internal locus of control and constructive communication skills, noted (Werner & Smith, 2000). Among the issues raised in the factors affecting the resiliency Resiliency is the role of intelligence, Some of the findings suggest that intelligence is a determining factor in resilience and confirm the opposite opinion It should be noted that the research group of general intelligence measured by IQ tests is to researchers, But today, other types of intelligence are considered as emotional intelligence (Derksen, Kramer, & Katzko, 2002). The first time in years (1990) psychologist «Salluy»-called emotional intelligence to impart quality and understanding other people's feelings, compassion for the feelings of others and the ability to apply effective administration ofmood. In fact, this intelligence, including understanding their feelings and others and use it to make good decisions in life. The first time in years (1990) psychologist «Salluy»-called emotional intelligence to impart quality and understanding other people's feelings, compassion for the feelings of others and the ability to apply effective administration of mood. In fact, this intelligence, including understanding their feelings and others and use it to make good decisions in life. In other words, a factor that defeat in a motivating and social skills by having high To establish a good relationship with the population. Emotional intelligence theory to predict a new perspective on success factors and also provides primary prevention of mental disorders Who complement cognitive science, neuroscience and child development. Emotional capabilities to expertly manage relationships with others is very important. Psychologist «Gollman» states The cognitive intelligence at best only 20% of success makes and 80 percent of success is dependent on other factors And the fate of people in many situations depends on the skills that make up emotional intelligence (Zakery, 2007). According to material presented on variables such as personality traits and emotional intelligence research on resiliency to examine the personality characteristics and emotional intelligence among high school teacher, is on resiliency.Express issueWhile the concept of intelligence is one of the concepts that from the past to the present case is concerned, But the important point is that in fact the study of the cognitive aspects of intelligence often, such as memory, problem-solving and thinking are emphasized. While noncognitive aspects of intelligence are not only the ability of emotional, personal and social well considered, But also in predicting a person's ability to succeed in life and the importance of compatibility are located. In this regard, one ofthe most important aspects of cognitive integration concepts (such as thinking) and noncognitive (e.g., excitement), emotional intelligence (Wong & Law, 2002). Emotional intelligence is a new concept proposed in recent years and used against cognitive intelligence. In fact, a noncognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence is historically rooted in the concept of social intelligence and for the first time bySerandayk (1920) was introduced. According to Srandayk, emotional intelligence and the ability to manage people to act wisely in human relations. …

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