
Metallic discs engineered on the 100 nm scale have an internal magnetic texture which varies from a fully magnetized state to a vortex state with zero moment. The interplay between this internal structure and the inter-disc interactions is studied in magnetic metamaterials made of square arrays of the magnetic discs. The texture is modeled by a mesospin of varying length with O(2) symmetry and the inter-disc interaction by a nearest neighbour coupling between mesospins. The thermodynamic properties of the model are studied numerically and an ordering transition is found which varies from Kosterlitz-Thouless to first order via an apparent tri-critical point. The effective critical exponent characterising the finite size magnetization evolves from the value for the 2D-XY model to less than half this value at the tri-critical point. The consequences for future experiments both in and out of equilibrium are discussed.

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