
Shallot (Allium ascolonicum L), belonging to the genus Allium are propagated vegetatively through layered bulbs. This research aimed to improve the quality of shallots by eliminating OYDV, SLDV viruses through meristematic tissue combined with the antiviral Ribavirin. The research was conducted in the IVEGRI Tissue Culture Laboratory from April to August 2018. Research materials included the infected shallot bulbs of Bima Brebes variety which were previously confirmed by DAS ELISA serology test. Meristematic tissues were cultured on MS + vitamin, MS + supplement media (sucrose 30 gL−1 + Myo inositol 100 mgL−1 + CaP 2 mgL−1 + NAA 0.15 mgL−1 + Kinetin 2 mgL−1 + GA3 0.1 mgL−1 + Gel gro 2gL−1, pH 5.7). A Completely Randomized Design with ten replications was applied for the combinations between antiviral Ribavirin concentrations i.e., 0.5,10,15, 20, 30 mgL−1, and explant size including meristematic tissue (0.5 mm) and shoot tip (2.5 mm). The results obtained through visual observation showed that the additional antiviral Ribavirin and explant size affected the percentage of growth and development of plantlets. Statistical analysis showed that there were no significant interactions between treatments. DAS Elisa serology test showed that the higher the concentration of antiviral Ribavirin the lower the percentage of virus infection.

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