Very high voltage-high power electronic equipment packaging techniques present new and unique problems in the field of product engineering and packaging. New electronic systems in this category consist of a number of subunits, but all of the systems utilize a high voltage power supply as the basic unit. In the case of conventional electronic systems, the power supply components have standard shapes and are packaged in accepted configurations. Components performing these same functions in high voltage high power supplies, deviate tremendously from the norm. The power transformer may occupy the same space as a weekend cabin, the filter capacitors may be as large as a railroad car, the rectifiers may give the impression of factory chimney stacks. For reasons of size alone these components require special structural considerations. For reasons of their high voltage-high power operation they also require special configuration considerations. The packaging of equipment in this category involves the packaging of bulky components into an assembly, while considering ease of construction, ease of transportation and the ease of removal of components for maintenance purposes. The components along with the hardware utilized for the support structure, must then constitute a package that provides the most economical utilization of space, and at the same time, provide voltage clearances that may be several orders of magnitude greater than those normally encountered when packaging lower voltage components. In general, this equipment is not contained within a cabinet or rack as is normal in lower voltage circuitry. These equipments usually utilize one or more buildings either in existence or specially designed and constructed for the purpose. Consequently, considerable thought must be given to operator convenience and human engineering. The packaging, integration and manufacturing of a typical system including operational, safety and maintenance considerations will be described.
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