
This article explains the main diseases of horticulture trees and almonds, grown on the slopes of the hills. Currently, the protection of the environment, especially the protection of land and water resources from the effects of various toxic substances, is one of the main problems of world civilization. During the financial and economic crisis in the world, the Republic of our country is currently using high-quality land resources, introducing advanced scientific and technical agricultural technologies, producing low-quality and high-quality crops. One of the important problems. Management and control of the use of the land Fund, improvement of land relations, and effective use of public land in General. Application of electrical techniques for growing almonds, pistachios, nuts, and fruit-bearing products in the foothills. The root system of almonds clings to fungal diseases, that is. nematodes. When nematodes swell and become inflamed in the passages of tubers, they destroy the tree, especially young seedlings. We offer electrotechnical treatment for the treatment of nematode diseases of almond roots and get the results of electrotechnical experiments. To get the results of this experiment faster, we get the results by comparing photon measurements with the remote infrared spectrum. The use of electrical techniques for growing almond trees and fighting nematode diseases caused by its roots is considered, and the results of preliminary research are presented. It also provides a brief overview of the use and control of photogeometric methods.

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