
The question of the end of the tourism era posed in the title is not an allusion to a change of cycle or phase, nor to the end of tourism, but to the emergence of a new model, a transformation of structural scope, both of its drivers and of its multidimensional manifestations in an interrelated world. The signs of this transition began to intensify over the last decade, before the emergence of COVID-19, the effects of which have been compounded by other factors. Given the diversity of the specific processes of transformation, the content of the book has focused on the analysis and assessment of four key factors which, interrelated, are fundamental for knowing and understanding the development of tourism in Spain and for reflecting on the desired and possible future: the spatial mobility of the population, the technological revolution and the digital transformation, the limits of tourism and its sustainable development and, finally, politics, tourism planning and governance. Once its reality, dynamics and challenges have been analysed, it concludes with an assessment of the sector's reactivation processes and some final recommendations for the transition towards the new era of tourism.

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