
When Europe, the European Union, represents a true crossroad mixing nations, states, cultures, languages… the ways in which the universality of the art and the specificity of the language compose his respective forces —in tensions, maybe, and simultaneously, inevitable, necessary, destructive, productive— may suppose a reference to think the complexity of the forms of communication in relation to political action and, simultaneously, in relation to the psico-ontological and historical residues of the original condition of any cultural production. We may find a clear example of this complexity and of that composition of forces in what supposed the early poetical production of one of the most versatile and controversial contemporary talents, Pier Paolo Pasolini. His literary, artistic, existential practices, find from his beginnings —but impregnate also all of his future work— a factor simultaneously of resistance and of action into the form of his expression across a language —the friulan— that testifies the externality of a geopolitical and historical fight connected to an inner psico-genealogical factor. All these aspects can bring us keys to better understand our time —the notion of an always-convulsed Italy (as today it continues to be), of a Spain tensed also by languages and identities, of a kaleidoscopic Europe— as well as to know better the immeasurable Pasolini from his early emergency. All this in relation to communicative, artistic, cultural, identity practices.

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