
 As a maritime country with vast waters, Indonesia has many opportunities to utilize marine resources as a source of bioactive compounds that have the potential as active medicinal ingredients. One of the marine biotas that potentially contains the active compounds is the Vannamei shrimp's shell (Litopenaeus vannamei), which is commonly found as waste along the coast of Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. The shrimp’s shell contains astaxanthin, a potential source of antioxidants for the health industry. The purpose of this study was to compare the astaxanthin extraction yield from L. vannamei shrimp shells using sunflower oil and 70% ethanol. The Astaxanthin extraction used sunflower oil and ethanol 70% as solvents and was done by maceration method, while the phytochemical test and Astaxanthin profiling used Thin Layer Chromatography and Spectrophotometer with Kelly and Harmon (1972) [5] calculations as well as pure Astaxanthin standards. The extraction yield of the 70% ethanol extraction was further processed by column chromatography using ether: ethanol (8: 2) as mobile phase. The highest Astaxanthin yield (220 mg / g of shrimp powder) was obtained from the extraction with sunflower oil compared to the 70% ethanol solvent, while the fractionation result with a chromatographic column from a crude extract of ethanol 70% showed high astaxanthin yield of 220.77 mg. / g fraction. The results of the fraction test on rat neutrophils, the best percentage reduction was at a concentration of 150 mg / g bw of rats.


  • As a maritime country with vast waters, Indonesia has many opportunities to utilize marine resources as a source of bioactive compounds that have the potential as active medicinal ingredients

  • The extraction yield of the 70% ethanol extraction was further processed by column chromatography using ether: ethanol (8: 2) as mobile phase

  • The highest Astaxanthin yield (220 mg / g of shrimp powder) was obtained from the extraction with sunflower oil compared to the 70% ethanol solvent, while the fractionation result with a chromatographic column from a crude extract of ethanol 70% showed high astaxanthin yield of 220.77 mg. / g fraction

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Material dan Metode

Bahan dan Alat Magnetik Stirer, Oven,kertas saring Whatman No., Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), Spektrofotometer, Kolom kromatografi, Laboratory Mixer, Rotary Evaporator, Corong pisah, Mikroskop, Gelas benda, Sonde lambung, Suntik, Tabung reaksi. Metode Preparasi dan ekstraksi Ekstraksi dengan pelarut minyak bunga matahari Kulit udang Litopenaeus vannamei yang berasal dari pantai Gunungkidul-Yogyakarta, dibersihkan dengan air mengalir dan dikeringkan pada suhu 500C selama 24 jam. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode magnetic stirrer digunakan pelarut minyak bunga matahari dengan perbandingan pelarut dan sampel yaitu 4:1 (v/b) (Dalei dan Sahoo, 2014) [3]. Kulit udang yang sudah dihaluskan sebanyak 2 gram ditambahkan minyak bunga matahari sebanyak 8 ml, kemudian di stirer pada selama 1 jam. Fase bawah ditambahkan dengan aquades dengan volume yang sama, dicampur ditunggu sampai terbentuk larutan epifase, kemudian bagian epifase dikumpulkan, dan diuapkan sampai kering menggunakan rotary evaporator. Kulit udang kering yang telah dihaluskan dicampur dengan etanol 70% dengan perbandingan 1 : 10 (b/v), yaitu 100 gram kulit udang dan 1000 ml etanol dalam stoples selama 3 hari pada suhu kamar. Setelah 3 hari, sisa kulit udang dipisahkan dengan filtrat dengan disaring menggunakan kertas Whatman No., selanjutnya di evaporasi menggunakan rotary evaporator pada dengan suhu 40oC hingga terlihat seperti sediaan pasta

Analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif Astaxanthin
Ditemukan noda astaxantin Ditemukan noda astaxantin
Tidak ada
Fraksinasi Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Udang Vaname Menggunakan Kolom Kromatografi
Nilai Rf
No Metode ekstraksi
Dosis Perlakuan ektrak fraksi
Ucapan Terima Kasih
Full Text
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