
The Ombudsman is an independent institution established by the Government with all responsibilities over it, which is meant if the task of monitoring, investigating and providing follow-up on all disputes between the public and agencies and public service institutions in Indonesia. All forms of action that will be carried out by the Ombudsman are based on the authority obtained by the Ombudsman. The bureaucratic reforms that have been carried out in Indonesia since the Old Order era until now continue to grow, the development of the performance pattern of officials who keep up with the times is of course followed by the development of problems that are far more complex, without being equipped with regulation and high integrity, the personal will of each apparatus can be became a boomerang and resulted in the emergence of maladministration, both in the abuse of authority to behavior that is detrimental to the state agencies themselves. Along with its development, many ombudsman themselves are still not aware of their existence and role as supervisors of public services in Indonesia. This study aims to find out the legal basis and role of the ombudsman in supervising public services and how to see the existence of the ombudsman through case studies. The research method used is normative juridical through a case study approach. The conclusion is that the performance of the ombudsman can be increased because the ombudsman himself has been facilitated with a very broad authority in supervising public services. In addition, with concrete solutions to public service problems, the ombudsman can show its existence and role.

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