
The situation these days we see no effort certain groups that seek to divide NKRI both from within and foreign countries. Currently, Indonesia has lost its way and the grip of ideology in the life of nation and state. The reappearance of the Islamic economic system, both in the world and Indonesia as we have seen since about three or four decades has led to a variety of views and attitudes. It is undeniable, that the designation of Islamic economics spawned a diverse impression. For some people, the word “Islam” Islamic Economics positioned on a very exclusive place, thus eliminating keftrahannya as order value for all mankind (rahmatan lil’alamin). The concept of well-being (rahmatan lil’alamin) contained in Islamic economics aims to realize a just and prosperous society baldatun thoyyibatun wa robbun ghofur can be a safe and prosperous country and can realize resistance NKRI.


  • Abstrak Situasi akhir-akhir ini kita melihat ada upaya kelompok-kelompok tertentu yang berupaya untuk memecah belah NKRI baik dari dalam maupun negara asing

  • The reappearance of the Islamic economic system, both in the world and Indonesia as we have seen since about three or four decades has led to a variety of views and attitudes

  • Sudah saatnya sistem ekonomi kapitalisme yang hanya menimbulkan penderitaan itu kita hancurkan dan kita gantikan dengan ekonomi Islam yang insya Allah akan membawa barakah bagi kita semua

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Abstrak Situasi akhir-akhir ini kita melihat ada upaya kelompok-kelompok tertentu yang berupaya untuk memecah belah NKRI baik dari dalam maupun negara asing. Baik di tingkat dunia maupun Indonesia seperti yang kita saksikan sejak sekitar tiga atau empat dekade belakangan ini menimbulkan berbagai pandangan dan sikap.

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