
Gamification is a subject that is often expressed and studied in the field of education. Gamification with potential features such as increasing student motivation, effective participation in the learning process, at the same time, makes it easier to achieve academic achievement and learning achievements. In this framework, the classification of researches on the gamification as a study subject that is becoming increasingly prominent in the field of education technology, will be supported in the context of determining the point to be reached in this respect and steering the future works. In this study, the articles published in SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A & HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH and ESCI indices between 2008 and 2017 were examined and analyzed in a thematic framework based on certain criterions. 72 research articles from the databases related to key words which are corresponded with 177 research criteria and were systematically analyzed using the document classification method with using the publication classification form. It has been revealed that the most researches carried out in the context of the publication year and the number of published researches were performed in 2016. It has been determined that most of the systematically investigated studies have a sample size of 31-100 and the sample selection method is mainly simple/random sampling. This document analysis study also revealed that the frequency of empirical statistics is more frequently used as a research approach, attitude-perception-personality-aptitude test is used as a data gathering tool and frequency/percentage/charts are more frequently used as a data analysis method. On the other hand, it was revealed that gamification applications for engineering education come into prominence as a field of education. It has been determined that the points are mostly used gamification components and the motivation theories were frequently preferred.

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