
Sunyalangu Village is the only village in Karanglewas District that produces cardamom. This potential production needs to be balanced with efficient marketing to create high profits. The involvement of marketing institutions affects marketing costs on cardamom marketing channels and the difference in cardamom prices at the farm level and at the end consumer level. This study aims to: 1) Analyze the price, cost, and profit of cardamom marketing channels in Sunyalangu Village, Karanglewas Subdistrict, Banyumas Regency, 2) Knowing the most efficient cardamom marketing channels in Sunyalangu Village, Karanglewas District, Banyumas District. The research location was determined purposively in Sunyalangu Village, Karanglewas District, Banyumas Regency. Determination of the sample carried out on farmers is simple random sampling with the results of 65 sample farmers and determination of samples made at marketing institutions is snowball sampling. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The analytical methods used are descriptive, marketing margins, farmer's share, cost and profit share, as well as technical and economic efficiency. The results showed: 1) channel III is the cardamom marketing channel with the smallest marketing margin of Rp. 150,000, 2) channel III is the marketing channel with the largest percentage of farmers share percentage of 56.5%, 3) channel III is the channel that has the smallest share of marketing costs with a percentage of 17.8% or as much as Rp. 26,662 per kilogram and the biggest share of profits with a percentage of 87.9% or Rp. 133,314 / kg, 4) Channel III is the marketing channel of the merchant with the smallest technical efficiency value of Rp. 50.4 / Kg / Km and the largest economic efficiency value is Rp. 5 / kg.

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