
Simple SummaryVitamin D3 sources serve as immunomodulators and improve intestinal morphology, which can promote broiler performance. The in ovo injection of vitamin D3 sources has been shown to enhance immunity as well as histomorphological variables in unchallenged conditions. One of the main diseases affecting poultry production is coccidiosis. Because of this, the current study was designed to determine the effects vitamin D3 (D3) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25OHD3) alone or together on the inflammatory reaction and small intestine morphology of broilers that were challenged with coccidiosis. In this study, it is shown that the in ovo administration of 2.4 μg of 25OHD3 alone increased villus length to crypt depth ratio (VCR) with the D3 + 25OHD3 treatment being intermediate two weeks post-challenge (28 day of age). Furthermore, chickens that received of 25OHD3 alone experienced lower plasma nitric oxide concentration as a systemic inflammatory indicator in comparison to all other treatments. It is concluded that the in ovo injection of 2.4 μg of 25OHD3 at 18 days of incubation can enhance intestinal histomorphology as well as inflammatory reaction of broilers when infected with coccidiosis.In broilers challenged with coccidiosis, effects of in ovo vitamin D3 (D3) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25OHD3) administration on their inflammatory response and small intestine morphology were evaluated. At 18 d of incubation (doi), a 50 μL volume of the following 5 in ovo injection treatments was administrated: non-injected (1) and diluent injected (2) controls, or diluent injection containing 2.4 μg D3 (3) or 2.4 μg 25OHD3 (4), or their combination (5). Four male broilers were randomly allocated to each of eight isolated replicate wire-floored battery cages at hatch, and birds were challenged at 14 d of age (doa) with a 20x live coccidial vaccine dosage. One bird from each treatment–replicate (40 birds in each of 8 replicates per treatment) was bled at 14 and 28 doa in order to collect blood for the determination of plasma IL-1β and nitric oxide (NO) concentrations. The duodenum, jejunum, and ilium from those same birds were excised for measurement of villus length, crypt depth, villus length to crypt depth ratio (VCR), and villus surface area. In ovo injection of 2.4 μg of 25OHD3 resulted in a reduction in plasma NO levels as compared to all other treatments at 28 doa. Additionally, duodenal VCR increased in response to the in ovo injection of 25OHD3 when compared to the diluent, D3 alone, and the D3 + 25OHD3 combination treatments at two weeks post-challenge (28 doa). Therefore, it can be concluded that 2.4 μg of 25OHD3, when administrated in ovo at 18 doi, may be used to decrease the inflammatory reaction as well as to enhance the small intestine morphology of broilers during a coccidiosis challenge.

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