
ABSTRACTAround Lubumbashi, the introduction of large-scale pivot-irrigated agriculture entails leveling of large termite mounds during field preparation. The effect on soil fertility and crop yield (Solanum tuberosum and Alium cepa) is evaluated along 11 transects extending from a former termite mound location to reference soil that received no termite mound material. Spreading mound material was found to increase the pH, calcium carbonates CaCO3 content, and the amount of resin-extractable phosphorus (P), other possible effects being undone by fertilizer application. On the other hand, poor physical properties of the mound material seem to have adverse effects on crop production. While the benefits of spreading out mound material seem limited for large-scale farmers with access to fertilizers, the use of mound material may present an opportunity to resource-poor farmers throughout the miombo eco-region, provided that the application of mound materials is optimized and that any adverse effect on soil physical properties can be mitigated.

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