To elucidate the relationship between the haemodynamic changes and glucagon in cirrhosis, we infused physiologic and supraphysiologic doses of this hormone in conscious rats with portal hypertension due to biliary cirrhosis. Cardiac output and splanchnic organ blood flows were measured by the radioactive microsphere method before and 30 min after glucagon infusion at doses of 2,5 and 10 ng/min. Serum glucagon increased from a basal level of 92 ± 17 pg/ml (mean ± S.E.) to 399 ± 89, 1151 ± 136 and 2064 ± 37.8 pg/ml, respectively, in sham-operated rats, and from 743 ± 75 pg/ml to 1497 ± 197, 1583 ± 356 and 2957 ± 649 pg/ml, respectively, in cirrhotic animals at 2, 5 and 10 ng/min doses. In both groups, cardiac output did not change after glucagon infusion at 2 and 5 ng/min doses, suggesting that factors other than glucagon are primarily responsible for the systemic hyperdynamic circulation in cirrhosis. Portal tributary blood flow increased significantly after glucagon infusion in sham-operated rats by 34 and 65% at doses of 5 ng/ml and 10 ng/ml, respectively, and in cirrhotic rats by 29% at a dose of 10 ng/ml. However, portugal tributary blood flow did not change after glucagon infusion at the physiologic dose of 2 ng/min. This study shows that glucagon infused at a physiologic dose does not increase splanchnic blood flow, although it increases portal tributary blood flov at supraphysiologic doses. The discrepancy between blood glucagon levels and splanchnic haemodynamic responses suggests that glucagon plays only a minor role and that other factors are primarily responsible for the hyperdynamic state of the splanchnic circulation in rats with biliary cirrhosis.
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