
Mixing and chemistry interactions in a H2/N2 jet flame into a vitiated coflow are considered key factors affecting autoignition. A 1-D numerical model under laminar flow condition first is simulated to reveal the effects of fuel species, pressure, and coflow properties on the autoignition with and without the consideration of preferential diffusion among species. Proper laminar reference autoignition delays are proposed and examined for different diffusion models. Next, the reference autoignition delays defined from laminar simulations are investigated in an example turbulent flow using the Linear Eddy Model (LEM). LEM is used to model the effect of turbulent mixing on autoignition, where we specifically investigate if the effect of turbulence on autoignition can be classified in two regimes, which are dependent on a proper reference laminar autoignition delay and turbulence time scale. The trend of the effect of differential diffusion on autoignition versus turbulence Reynolds is simulated and analyzed, and several tentative conclusions are drawn.

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