
Systemic diseases of connective tissue are a group of diseases of unspecified aetiology and pathogenesis. They are based on the autoimmune process. It can involve single organs as well as whole systems. Neuropsychiatric complications in systemic connective tissue diseases are of interest to both neurologists and rheumatologists and specialists in other fields. These complications may occur with different frequency – from 30-80% and result from the involvement of individual structures of the central and peripheral nervous system. They can be divided into primary, i.e. resulting from the underlying disease, and secondary, which are most often the result of the applied treatment.
 The most common psychopathological symptoms include: progressive cognitive disorders, emotional lability, mood and sleep disorders, as well as memory disorders, psychosensory disorders, depersonalisation, derealisation, depressed mood, anxiety states, hallucinations, persecutory delusions. Diagnosing the cause of psychiatric disorders is the basis for introducing appropriate causal treatment, which should be supplemented by symptomatic psychiatric therapy.

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