Aim: the aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge regarding basic life support among BSc nursing students of MNR college of Nursing, Sangareddy. Material and method: the research design chosen for this study is pre-experimental one group pre-test and post-test design. The setting was MNR College of nursing, Fasalwadi, Sangareddy. The intervention used for the study was video assisted teaching. A total of 60 BSc nursing students were selected for the study using disproportionate quota sampling technique. Data was collected using 44 structured knowledge questionnaires before administering the video assisted teaching and after. The post test was conducted 7 days after administering the intervention. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, results obtained were discussed and analyzed in terms of objectives and hypothesis. Results: the demographic variables were analyzed for their frequency and percentage. female students were 81.7% (49) male were 18.3 % (11), according to age 18-19myears were 35 % (21), 20-21 years were 51.7% (31) and a small group of 13.3% (8) of 22-23 years. Looking at education the distribution is equal 33.3 % (20) from the three years of BSc nursing (IInd, IIIrd, final year). As per religion Hindus were 48.3 % (29), Muslim were 11.7 % (7) and Christians were 40% (24). All the students 100% (60) have previous knowledge regarding basic life support, so the most popular source of information is media 73.3% (44), followed by teacher 23.3% (14) the doctor 3.3% (2). The pre-test score mean was 12.45, 13.26 and 2.76 according to the sections among 44 structured knowledge questionnaires. 11.7% (7) students have below average, 88.3% (53) have average knowledge and this score significantly became opposite in post-test scoring 88.3% (53) above average and 11.7% (7) average. Comparing the post-test knowledge scores with the pre-test there is a mean difference of 7.83 which indicates clear raise in the level of knowledge post intervention. the student ‘t’ test value is 19.79 calculated, were as the table value is 1.96 at ˂0.05 level of significance at 59 degrees of freedom. This shows results are highly significant. The chi – square value for association between the socio demographic variable with knowledge scores revealed there is significant association seen with age and education with level of knowledge. But there was no association between gender, religion and previous knowledge and its source of information. Conclusion: The study was concluded by assessing the knowledge level among the BSc nursing students. The overall difference in mean percentage was 64.17. The mean value is 37.43 while the standard deviation is 2.61 proving that the video assisted teaching was effective in improving the knowledge level among BSc nursing students. The association between the knowledge scores of the students with the socio demographic variables shows that there is significant association between the age and education with the knowledge levels whereas the other socio demographic variables like gender, religion, previous knowledge, and source of information did not show any association.
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