
The purpose of the study was to assess effect of trainer attributes on entrepreneurial intention of Technical and Vocation Education and Training graduates in Kenya. Data was collected from 329 final year graduates of six public technical training institutions using a self-administered structured questionnaire. Results show there is a significant positive relationship between trainer attributes and entrepreneurial intention of Technical and Vocational Education and Training graduates in Kenya.The study found that full time lecturers constituted the largest source of influence to graduate entrepreneurial intention compared to practicing entrepreneurs and guest speakers. Ideally, practicing entrepreneurs would act as best mentors and role models to inspire entrepreneurial intention as they share their story. The study concludes that trainer attributes can be used to predict entrepreneurial intention of graduates, but this aspect is still underutilized and underdeveloped. Furthermore, effect of trainer attributes on entrepreneurial intention of graduates has not been subjected to much empirical investigation in Kenya in spite of entrepreneurship education being compulsory in technical institutions. Accordingly, the study recommends collaboration with the industry to establish a pool of practicing entrepreneurs who will be used from time to time in entrepreneurship instruction. Standardization of requisite competencies for entrepreneurship trainers as well as and continuous capacity building of entrepreneurship trainers is desirable. A tracer study should be carried out to establish the percentage of graduates who actually actualize their entrepreneurial intention.

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